Sunday, January 19, 2014

Bother Why an Apple Falls Off an Apple Tree? Join This New School of Philosophy!

I am opening a School of Layman Philosophy where we, you, friends, and I, may freely philosophize.

A story is told of a man who, while enjoying his lazy hours under an apple tree, a fruit falls and hits his forehead. Startled, he wakes up and asks why the apple fell off the tree. Now, that is the most foolish question one may dare to ask. (Mind you, he did not ask what luck or bad luck made the apple, of all the places, fall on his skull; or, of all the times, why it fell exactly when he happened to be under the falling apple. That would have been smart and would have made that guy the brainiest pal in history. Sadly for him, he wasted the chance.) Every one of us knows pretty well why an apple falls off an apple tree. We didn't bother saying why, for it would sound foolish to talk about something so foolish. That guy, who they call Newton, however, spoke his answer out loud. And now, believe it or not, everyone calls him a philosopher or a scientist!  

So, because I know that you know why an apple falls off a tree, I am going to open a School of Laywoman Philosophy where we won’t be ashamed of speaking out our foolish questions and answers.

Every school child has a Superman at heart. If asked, s/he would have talked about that for hours. The child did not speak, for we did not let him. Why would we? But, there once was a man called Nietzsche who spoke out loud about his Superman. And now, they all call him a philosopher.

So will I open a School of Laypeople Philosophy where all of us may allow the child in us speak freely.   

If I had known more stories of such foolish people who spoke their foolish ideas with not a glint of shame and are called philosophers, I would have told you all. But no, even if I knew, why should I fatigue your eyes by rewriting stories you might already have read a thousand times? Most of all, why should I waste my time quoting others while I myself could philosophize my heart out?

So, I am going to open a School of Lay-Pals Philosophy where I would like you all to join me philosophizing without having to quote other or repeat them or feel that we did not read enough to fool around like them. This is going to be a school where we all learn and teach with no penny, a school where our very heart is our classroom, and our blackboard or whiteboard or blueboard or pinkboard is our blog: Ubuntu ‘n Pulto at Fear not, here, we play it out with a very simple, single, convenient rule: WE DO NOT RECOGNIZE ANYONE AS AN AUTHORITY ON PHILOSOPHY. We do not mean disrespect with that to any of those guys. We only mean we are African’s and we know what that means.

What does that mean? Allow me to insert I and my here. That only means I know that: my late grandma, W/ro Bogalech, was a philosopher. Not only she (who will herself come to you in God’s good time in her biography: The Life and Death of a Mosquito and W/ro Bogaleche’s Philosophy), but each of her thirteen husbands (you read me right) were philosophers as well. The medicine man who used to visit our house whenever granny was sick was a philosopher too. So was the priest who, as a child, used to scare me with his cold holy water. Even the spirit that used to bother grandma whenever she fails to observe the Atete Rite was a philosopher. So, who is he who dares to tell me that he is a philosopher and not they, my teachers? Or, she is and not I, their disciple? Or, they are and not you, my “schoolmates”? We are Africans and we know this: we are all philosophers. Only, we are shy to share our thoughts we live with afraid that it might sound silly or superstitious.

So, I am going to open a School of Philosophy for us to share our silly and downright foolish thoughts with no fear whatsoever, in order, not to be called a philosopher or to pretend to know, but to awaken the philosopher in all of us and set her free and for the pleasure of being able to say our thoughts freely with no fear of being judged or laughed at. Philosophizing, there is one simple but weighty fun-task I would like us to accomplish together, the details of which I cannot tell you now. I can simply say that I would like us to build a universe. Weighty, isn’t it? How so, I cannot say, for I did not carry a universe on my shoulder as yet and I did not ask Atlas how heavy the universe might be compared to the earth he is carrying around. A little while and I will come with the details of how we will have fun building our universe. In the meantime, you may want to visit our blog where you may find starter foolish ideas that may wet your appetite to philosophize even better. So long! 

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